Monday, January 30, 2012

A Calling

     Recently I was asked. What has God called you to do right now. Not your long term calling, or your life goals, not what you have to do tomorrow or even next week. But right this minute, what has God placed before you?
Although it seems obvious, I thought a list was appropriate.
1. I am married,
      so be a hardworking godly wife.
2. I have children,
      so to raise obedient children who love the Lord.
3. I am in school,
      so to be a focused, listening student.
4. I am part of a new church,
     so to support and encourage those involved.
5. I have family and friends,
     so I need to be in prayer for them.

     All of these things seem pretty general, and I'd like to think I've been doing most of the things I need to do, such as cooking food and washing the laundry.  But have I been doing them with joy, the joy of knowing they are my most important work? Have I really been looking forward to reading, each evening, with my older children, or have I been avoiding it? Why have I been making excuses on why we don't have time to read the bible before school each morning if it's #2 on my list of importance. Is sleeping in really creeping up on importance that I find I do that instead??? Have I been purposefully building my children up to be strong confident people, or just letting them mull and wander about hoping that my hugs and kisses will carry them through?

     I find that my life has flip-flopped from what I know it should be. Somehow School had become my number 1 and my husband mentioned feeling like number 5. If I do not wake each day with the knowledge that I must pursue my calling, then the pieces will continue to be rearranged without an ounce of care. Each days work will become a mash of chaos with the loudest need being moved to first at each given moment.

     This is no longer okay for me and my family. No longer will I haphazardly live life day by day. I know that I will fail, but I must still wake each day with a purpose, with a plan, knowing that this is my calling. This is my work and I claim for my own Joshua's declaration of "As For Me And My House, We Will Serve the Lord." ( Joshua 24:15)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. It's the most important thing, to consciously and daily make the choice to pursue our calling, which is to serve the Lord! :)
