Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Super Heroes

    I am almost done with my 1st year of Photography classes at Everett Community College. Here is my final project. We were given an open ended assignment that could be anything, so long as it fit into one of 4 parameters. It had to use one technique we learned this quarter I went with a diptych.

This project was really a nice challenge as I had to consider what I really wanted to photograph when given absolutely no boundaries, and rather the opposite. The options of using a scanner, composite or a diptych made the possibility endless. I first decided to do a diptych because I loved the idea of it, and knew there were so many possibilities beyond a self portrait and I wanted to explore that.  Second I thought about my artist statement, and that if it were true, and I really did love photographing kids, that it would seem odd to take my endless possibilities and do something non-kid related. The thing about photographing kids, is that you don’t want to make an image “only the mother will love.” I want to photograph kids in a way that creates an image that goes beyond documenting what they looked like at a certain age.  My son Barrett truly believes, currently, that he is Superman, and so I thought I would use that as my inspiration.

         I thought about the location for a few days, and drove around Arlington looking for the perfect place where the city could be seen, and yet with a street that wasn’t too busy or dangerous. I had two shots in mind, and figured I’d just see how it went. When working with two five year olds, you can never plan ahead too much. I knew I wanted to get an image of them looking over the city, sort of watching for crime, and then the second image of them running to stop the crime. Both boys were pretty good sports, although quite silly, and not very heroic all the time. The shot was one of my favorites, and this was the first time the shots I had hoped to get, were the ones I actually captured and liked overall.


  1. the clouds are amazing and the boys look superhuman in the first one. In the second one, I love how barrett is totally sharp and hovering, just like someone with magic power.

    1. yes and how Liam's arms are spread so he "can fly" in contrast to Barrett who is flying.

  2. Josie, please explain what "diptych" is. I am really enjoying seeing your projects and think these pictures speak volumes. Jess l.

    1. That is a good question. A diptych is two images that go together, and should be seen together.
